
What our tagline says

Man is the maker of himself

You are the stone: You are the starting point, with your own potential and possibilities.

You are the chisel: You have the ability and power to make changes.

You are the sculptor: You have the ultimate control over how your life unfolds.

In simpler terms, your life is yours to create. You have the foundation, the tools, and the creative vision to shape it into something meaningful and fulfilling.

बुद्धियुक्तो जहातीह उभे सुकृतदुष्कृते।

तस्माद्योगाय युज्यस्व योगः कर्मसु कौशलम्।।2.50।।

“योगः कर्मसु कौशलम्”

excellence in action is yoga

At asmakam gram , , we live by this idea. Whether it’s helping others, building connections, or fostering trust within our community, we approach every task with unwavering dedication and a commitment to excellence.

“Yoga is doing things well,” our main idea.

It means to do all work carefully and with full attention.

This teaches us to stay calm and focused in everything we do.

yoga isn’t about being perfect. It’s a journey of continuous learning and growth.

We believe that true knowledge and wisdom are not simply acquired through studying or teaching scriptures, but rather through dedicated effort and action.

The verse we have chosen as our guiding principle comes from the Mahabharata:

पठकाः पाठकाश्चैव ये चान्ये शास्त्रचिन्तकाः। सर्वे व्यसनिनो मूर्खा यः क्रियावान् स पण्डितः ।। ~महाभारत, ३.३१३.११


Those who read scriptures (पठकाः), those who teach them (पाठकाः), and even those who contemplate them (शास्त्रचिन्तकाः) – all are addicted (व्यसनिनः) and foolish (मूर्खाः).

Only the one who acts (क्रियावान्) according to the scriptures is truly wise (पण्डितः).


This verse emphasizes that merely studying or contemplating scriptures is not enough. True wisdom lies in putting that knowledge into practice through hard work and dedicated action.

As members of this trust, we are committed to:

Applying the teachings of the scriptures to our daily lives.

Working diligently to achieve our goals and aspirations.

Serving others with compassion and dedication.

We believe that through hard work and perseverance, we can make positive impact on the world.